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from 25 USD (non-commercial)
and 55 USD (commercial)

from 45 USD (non-commercial)
and 150 USD (commercial)

1 Sticker: 9.99 usd
5 Stickers: 39.99 usd
8 Stickers: 69.99 usd

1 Emote: 6.99 usd
5 Emotes: 29.99 usd
8 Emotes: 49.99 usd
Animated: 9.99 usd per Emote (ask for sales)

from 55 USD (non-commercial)
and 200 USD (commercial)

from 50 USD if it’s a short Style 1 animation
from 75 USD if it’s a short Style 2 animation
(such as gifs, loops, pixel art animations or animations less than 10 seconds -no sound-. The price varies depending on the complexity and the amount of frames / time the animation has.)